The Gnashing of Teeth
Why everyone wishes you would stop complaining
By Shawn Doyle

“Boy it’s too cold.”
“This economy is awful and so is my business.”
“My flight was delayed- I hate this airline.”
“My taxes are outrageous.”
“The boss is driving me crazy.”
“I can’t believe how many hours I work per week.”

I travel on the road almost every week- and every week hear the wicked litany of complaining, whining, grousing and gnashing of teeth. I have to tell you I am sick of it. Sick. Of. It. Right now I wish every one of the complainers in the world would be forced to attend a positive thinking seminar, read an Anthony Robbins book or get a massive attitude transplant (which I would gladly pay for). These people don’t realize the massive toxic energy sucking impact they are having on everyone around them. These smile killing, enthusiasm draining, optimism dissolving, mood downing people are ruining it for everyone else. Yep that is right; you are sucking the life out of the meeting room.

If you know someone like this, work with someone like this,or god forbid (and I am sorry if you are) are married to someone like this- please tear out this article and give it to them.Today.

Dear complaining person: This article was given to you by someone who cares about you. Below are the reasons why everyone wishes you would just stop complaining. Please read carefully and apply immediately.

1. Complaining has no inherent value. What does complaining do? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. It doesn’t drive sales, increase revenue, increase profits or efficiency. Instead of complaining why don’t you (here is an idea) DO something about it? Find a problem opportunity or challenge and solve it? As Robert Cook once said “Say and do something positive that will help the situation; it doesn't take any brains to complain.”

2. No one will want to be around you. I was on a plane and a guy got on board and sat next to me in the window seat in coach. “Hello- how are you?” I asked cheerfully. He had an angry expression on his face and said “I am supposed to be in first class and on this flight I am not. I am always in first class and this is an outrage! I am chairman /platinum/president/VIP preferred status.” He then proceeded to complain about it for the first thirty minutes of the flight about being in coach. When it was time for drinks and he had to pay for them (the audacity of this airline!)- he started again. O.K.- it was time for me to grab my noise cancelling headphones. I would rather have bamboo driven under my finger nails than be around people like this man. When you are a complainer- after a while no one wants to listen to you and they don’t want to be around your poison spewing yapper. Seriously.

3. You are raising a pack of pessimists. If you are a pessimist/complainer parent - then you will have a huge impact on your kids. Your kids will become like you a complainer, and negative energy sucking vampire. Is this the future you want for them? No don’t tell me “that won’t happen”- children learn by who you are not by what you say. This is who you are raising them to become.

4. You have a dim future at work. Yep that is right- no one who is a specialist at complaining gets promoted. Companies and organizations want positive upbeat energetic team members who will do what needs to be done and not complain about it.

5. We have enough negative in the world with out you piling on. Let’s face it, the world itself is negative enough with things like wars, murder mayhem and oh lets say the economy, without you adding to it. We don’t need you to help the dark side win. Ever watch the evening news? We need someone who brings light and optimism and inspiration to our lives. Not darkness and depression.

6. This is not good for your health. Being the Oscar the grouch of your entire row of the plane is not good for your health. Your blood pressure is going up. You are giving yourself any number of diseases and disorders with your sad sack approach, including heart disease and maybe even cancer. So lighten up and live longer. Besides most of the stuff you are all worked up about is minor and doesn’t even matter that much. (so your boss got on to you about your expense report – who cares? You didn’t get fired did you?)

7. I know you weren’t always like this. I am going to guess that at one point in your life (as a child) you were bright cheerful and optimistic. At some point in life – life’s bumps and bruises caused you to change your perspective. News flash- its time to get over it and move on. Every day you have a decision to make; be optimistic and cheerful or a pain in everyone backside; your choice. Here is a compelling question I would like you to consider; at the end of your life how do you want to be remembered? As a lonely miserable person or as an inspiration?

8. As a leader you are letting your team down. People want leaders who are problem solvers not problem makers. The most miserable moments in my career have been when I had a manager who was a complainer. The days become long and the nights longer.

So Mister or Ms. Complainer you have a choice to embrace this content or ignore it. I will see you in row nine on my next flight.