Get Motivated with This Book

BOOK ALERT: The Abs Diet by David Zinczenko and In Defense of Food by Micheal Pollan They say when you are ready a teacher will appear....
In the last two weeks 1) I had a great conversation with my great incredibly fit friend Joe about diet 2) I went to the bookstore and found a book that described exactly what he advised ( The Abs Diet) and strangely at an airport waiting on a flight I found the book In Defense of Food. O.K. maybe not strange I was focussed. Guess what ? They all have the same, sane amazing advice . Even though they arent about motivation they are about how to eat the right way. Result: 1) My allergy systoms have all but gone away 2) I have more energy than I know what to do with 3) I have lost 5 pounds in seven days. The coolest thing of all is the Abs Diet is not really a diet but a way of eating you can stick to your whole life. I wont get into details except to say this; if you want to get healthy and eat well, ( not a fad diet) get these 2 books! One will tell you how to eat and the other will tell you why. It will change your life!!!! No- I have no financial interest or stand to gain from you buying them- I am just exicited and fired up about finally finding the right approach for me, and I have been looking for a long time. Thanks for inspiring me Joe!